Department of

Chemical Engineering

Designing molecular technology for the 21st century with biology and chemistry

Photo of Senior Research Scientist Joseph Perez.

Adjunct Professor Joseph Perez

Ph.D. - University of Delaware

Office: 130 Fenske Laboratory

Phone: (814) 865-0340


Lab: Room 1 Fenske Laboratory

Lab Phone:

Primary Links

Biodiesel Group

Screen shot of the Biodiesel web site.

The Biodiesel Group consisted of undergraduates advised by Dr. Joe Perez.

The group's facilities were located in Fenske Laboratory with the purpose of providing undergraduate students hands-on experience conducting an engineering project to enhance priciples learned in the classroom.

Research Summary

My research interests lie in developing qualified students capable of meeting challenging situations in industry, government, or academia with confidence and enthusiasm. Our group has a long, continuous history of research and hard work on lubricants and tribology that started in the fifties in the Petroleum Refining Laboratory with Dr. Fenske and Dr. Klaus.

The research has consistently provided a blend of theoretical and applied goals to find interesting and exciting ways to extend academic training from industrial development applications to aerospace. Recent environmental concerns create new problems in tribology problems related to conservation of resources and energy. Read More.

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