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Print heading of the Thomas Wood Research Group in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Penn State.

Biofilms and Applied Biotechnology Laboratory Resources

The Wood laboratory is located in the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department in the Althouse Building and has the following resources.

Instrument Room containing a Waters HPLC, EP Motion robot for biofilm assays, anaerobic chamber for H2 assays, and complete Affymetrix DNA microarray facility.

Two large Main Rooms with ample lab bench space, each equipped with personal mini-refrigerators for experimental samples. In total there are 6 refrigerators and 5 -80oC freezers for storing thousands of organized strains. We also have four fume hoods and two walk-in cold rooms.

Laboratory views of the surrounding picturesque campus.

Connecting hallway between the two main labs with shakers and freezers and the kitchen area.

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