Journal Articles
- Jessica L *Sacco, Zachary T *Vaneman, Ava *Self, Elix *Sumner, Stella *Kibinda, Chinmay S *Sankhe and Esther W Gomez, 2024, "Chemomechanical regulation of EZH2 localization controls epithelial-mesenchymal transition", Journal of Cell Science, 137, (22), pp. jcs262190
- Binru Han, Shota Fujii, Andre van der Vlies, Masoud Ghasemi, Joshua T *Del Mundo, Sarah N Kiemle, Esther W Gomez, Enrique Daniel Gomez, Ralph Colby and Urara Hasegawa, 2024, "Thermally Induced Gelling Systems Based on Patchy Polymeric Micelles", Advanced Functional Materials, pp. 2417544
- Jessica L *Sacco and Esther W Gomez, 2024, "Epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity and epigenetic heterogeneity in cancer", Cancers, 16, (19), pp. 3289
- Chetana Tamadaddi, Juseok Choi, Masoud Ghasemi, Seong H Kim, Enrique Daniel Gomez, Esther W Gomez and Charles Anderson, 2024, "NST3 induces ectopic transdifferentiation, forming secondary walls with diverse patterns and composition in Arabidopsis thaliana", Annals of Botany, 134, (6), pp. 1097-1111
- Chinmay S *Sankhe, Jessica L *Sacco, Jacob *Lawton, Ryan Fair, David Vidotto Rezende *Soares, Mohammed K.R. Aldahdooh, Enrique Daniel Gomez and Esther W Gomez, 2024, "Breast cancer cells exhibit mesenchymal-epithelial plasticity following dynamic modulation of matrix stiffness", Advanced Biology, 8, (9), pp. 2400087
- Jingyi Yu, Joshua T *Del Mundo, Guillaume Freychet, Mikhail Zhernenkov, Eric Schaible, Chenhui Zhu, Esther W Gomez, Enrique Daniel Gomez and Daniel J Cosgrove, 2024, "Dynamic structural change of epidermal cell walls under strain", Small, 20, pp. 2311832
- Oskar Siemianowski, Sintu *Rongpipi, Joshua T *Del Mundo, Guillaume Freychet, Mikhail Zhernenkov, Enrique Daniel Gomez, Esther W Gomez and Charles Anderson, 2024, "Flexible pectin nanopatterning drives cell wall organization in plants", JACS Au, 4, (1), pp. 177–188
- Sintu *Rongpipi, William J Barnes, Oskar Siemianowski, Dan *Ye, Joshua *Del Mundo, Sydney Duncombe, Xiaoran Xin, Chenhui Zhu, Michael F Toney, Ying Gu, Charles Anderson, Enrique Daniel Gomez and Esther W Gomez, 2024, "Matrix polysaccharides affect preferred orientation of cellulose crystals in primary cell walls", Cellulose, 31, pp. 1397-1415
- Brock Hunter, Jessica L *Sacco, Kira *Katterle, Joy Kirigo, Thomas Wood, Esther W Gomez and Christian Pester, 2024, "Photoactive polymer coatings for antibacterial applications", European Polymer Journal, 213, pp. 113090
- Yu Xia, Stephanie Cutler, Ibukun Osunbunmi, Sarah E Zappe, Esther W Gomez, Stephanie B Velegol and Minkyung Lee, 2024, "The Impact of Applied Improvisation on Undergraduate Engineering Students' Professional Development", Advances in Engineering Education
- Jessica L *Sacco, Zachary *Vaneman and Esther W Gomez, 2023, "Extracellular matrix viscoelasticity regulates TGFß1-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition and apoptosis via integrin linked kinase", Journal of Cellular Physiology, 239, (2), pp. e31165
- Derrick Butler, Chinmay S *Sankhe, Pouya Soltan Khamsi, Esther W Gomez and Seyedehaida Ebrahimi, 2023, "Solution-Processed Graphene Films for Electrochemical Monitoring of Extracellular Nitric Oxide Released by Breast Cancer Cells", 2D Materials, 11, pp. 015021
- X Guo, A Plant, Joshua *Del Mundo, J H Litofsky, B Liu, R Hallman, Esther W Gomez, Michael Hickner, Y Lee and Enrique Daniel Gomez, 2023, "Fully conjugated block copolymers enhance thermal stability of polymer blend solar cells", Polymer, 288, pp. 126465
- Ava *Self, Megan *Farell, Laximicharan Samineni, Manish Kumar and Esther W Gomez, 2023, "Two-Dimensional Materials for Combination Therapy to Address Challenges in the Treatment of Cancer", Advanced NanoBiomed Research, pp. 2300070
- Sintu *Rongpipi, William Barnes, Oskar Semianowski, Joshua T *Del Mundo, Cheng Wang, Guillaume Freychet, Mikhail Zhernenkov, Charles T Anderson, Esther W Gomez and Enrique Daniel Gomez, 2023, "Measuring calcium content in plants using NEXAFS spectroscopy", Frontiers in Plant Science, 14, pp. 1212126
- Joshua *Del Mundo, Sintu *Rongpipi, Hui Yang, Dan *Ye, Sarah Kiemle, Stephanie Moffit, Charles L Troxel, Michael F Toney, Chenhui Zhu, James D Kubicki, Daniel J Cosgrove, Esther W Gomez and Enrique Daniel Gomez, 2023, "Grazing-incidence diffraction reveals cellulose and pectin organization in hydrated plant primary cell wall", Scientific Reports, 13, pp. 5421
- Elise B Gilcher, Nathaniel Kuch, Joshua T *Del Mundo, Samantha Ausman, Leoncio Santiago-Martinez, Catherine Clewett, Esther W Gomez, Enrique Daniel Gomez, Thatcher W Root, Brian G Fox and James A Dumesic, 2023, "Evolution of the cellulose microfibril through gamma-valerolactone assisted co-solvent and enzymatic hydrolysis", ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 11, (8), pp. 3270-3283
- Sarah Freeburne, Jessica L *Sacco, Esther W Gomez and Christian Pester, 2023, "Effects of surface-immobilization on photobleaching of xanthene dye photocatalyst", Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, pp. 2300283
- Sandeep M *Nalluri, Chinmay S *Sankhe, Joseph W *O'Connor, Paul L *Blanchard, Joelle *Khouri, Steven H *Phan, Gage *Virgi and Esther W Gomez, 2022, "Crosstalk between ERK and MRTF-A signaling regulates TGFß1-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition", Journal of Cellular Physiology, 237, (5), pp. 2503-2515
- Ishita Chakraborty, Sintu *Rongpipi, Rakesh , Sib Sankar Mal, K K Mahato, Esther W Gomez, Enrique Daniel Gomez and Nirmal Mazumder, 2022, "An insight into microscopy and analytical techniques for morphological, structural, chemical, and thermal characterization of cellulose", Microscopy Research and Technique, 85, pp. 1990-2015
- Jeffrey A Julien, Martin G Fernandez, Katrina M Brandmier, Joshua T *Del Mundo, Carol M Bator, Lucie A Loftus, Esther W Gomez, Enrique Daniel Gomez and Kerney Jebrell Glover, 2021, "Rapid preparation of nanodiscs for biophysical studies", Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 712, pp. 109051
- Michele Fromel, Raymond L Crisci, Chinmay S *Sankhe, Danielle Reifsnyder Hickey, Timothy B Tighe, Esther W Gomez and Christian Pester, 2021, "User-Friendly Chemical Patterning with Digital Light Projection Polymer Brush Photolithography", European Polymer Journal, 158, pp. 110652
- Sintu *Rongpipi, Joshua *Del Mundo, Enrique Daniel Gomez and Esther W Gomez, 2021, "Resonant X-ray scattering of biological assemblies", MRS Communications, 11, (1), pp. 1-17
- Dan *Ye, Sintu *Rongpipi, Sarah Kiemle, William Barnes, Arielle Chaves, Chenhui Zhu, Victoria Norman, Alexander Liebman-Peláez, Alexander Hexemer, Michael Toney, Alison Roberts, Charles Anderson, Daniel J Cosgrove, Esther W Gomez and Enrique Daniel Gomez, 2020, "Preferred crystallographic orientation of cellulose in plant primary cell walls", Nature Communications, 11, pp. 1420
- Megan *Farell, Ava *Self, Christine Guza, Hyewon Song, Luigi *Apollon, Esther W Gomez and Manish Kumar, 2020, "Lipid-functionalized graphene loaded with hMnSOD for selective inhibition of cancer cells", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12, (11), pp. 12407-12416
- Chao Lang, Dan *Ye, Woolchul Song, ChenHao Yao, Yu-Ming Tu, Clara Capparelli, Jacob LaNasa, Michael A Hickner, Esther W Gomez, Enrique Daniel Gomez, Robert Hickey and Manish Kumar, 2019, "Biomimetic separation of transport and matrix functions in lamellar block copolymer channel-based membranes", ACS Nano, 13, (7), pp. 8292-8302
- Sintu *Rongpipi, Dan *Ye, Enrique Daniel Gomez and Esther W Gomez, 2019, "Progress and opportunities in the characterization of cellulose - an important regulator of cell wall growth and mechanics", Frontiers in Plant Science, 9, pp. 1894
- Dan *Ye, Sintu *Rongpipi, Joshua H Litofsky, Youngmin Lee, Tyler Culp, Sang-Ha Yoo, Thomas N Jackson, Cheng Wang, Esther W Gomez and Enrique Daniel Gomez, 2019, "Aluminum oxide free-standing thin films to enable nitrogen edge soft X-ray scattering", MRS Communications, 9, (1), pp. 224-228
- Dan *Ye, Thinh P Le, Brooke Kuei, Chenhui Zhu, Peter H Zwart, Cheng Wang, Enrique Daniel Gomez and Esther W Gomez, 2018, "Resonant soft x-ray scattering provides protein structure with chemical specificity", Structure, 26, pp. 1-9
- Shixin Huang, Mohamadamin Makarem, Sarah N Kiemle, Yunzhen Zheng, Xin He, Dan *Ye, W , Enrique Daniel Gomez, Daniel J Cosgrove and Seong H Kim, 2018, "Dehydration-induced physical strains of cellulose microfibrils in plant cell walls", Carbohydrate Polymers, 197, pp. 337-348
- Dan *Ye, Sarah N Kiemle, Sintu *Rongpipi, X Wang, Cheng Wang, Daniel J Cosgrove, W and Enrique Daniel Gomez, 2018, "Resonant soft x-ray scattering reveals cellulose microfibril spacing in plant primary cell walls", Scientific Reports, 8, pp. 12449
- Tyler Culp, Dan *Ye, M Paul, A Roy, M Behr, S Jons, S Rosenberg, Cheng Wang, Esther W Gomez, Manish Kumar and Enrique Daniel Gomez, 2018, "Probing the internal microstructure of polyamide thin-film composite membranes using resonant soft X-ray scattering", ACS Macro Letters, 7, pp. 927-932
- Sandeep M *Nalluri, Joseph W *O'Connor, Gage A *Virgi, Samantha E *Stewart, Dan *Ye and Esther W Gomez, 2018, "TGFß1-induced expression of caldesmon mediates epithelial-mesenchymal transition", Cytoskeleton, 75, (5), pp. 201-212
- Chao Lang, Yue-xiao Shen, Jacob A LaNasa, Dan *Ye, Woochul Song, Tawanda J Zimudzi, Michael A Hickner, Enrique Daniel Gomez, Esther W Gomez, Manish Kumar and Robert Hickey, 2018, "Creating Crosslinked Lamellar Block Copolymer Supporting Layers for Biomimetic Membranes", Faraday Discussions, 209, pp. 179-191
- Akanksha V *Gupta, A N Brigeman, W and Thomas N Jackson, 2018, "Simple polymethylglutarimide microfluidic channels with hydrogel-assisted fluid exchange", IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, 17, (2), pp. 97-101
- D Jake Follmer, Esther W Gomez, Sarah E Zappe and Manish Kumar, 2017, "Evaluation of a Research Experiences for Undergraduates program in Chemical Engineering indicates benefit from a collaborative model", Chemical Engineering Education, 51, pp. 145-150
- D Jake Follmer, Sarah E Zappe, Esther W Gomez and Manish Kumar, 2017, "Student Outcomes from Undergraduate Research Programs: Comparing Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Models", SPUR: Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research, 1, (1)
- D Jake Follmer, Sarah E Zappe, Enrique Daniel Gomez, Esther W Gomez and Shane E Haydt, 2017, "Changing the Conversation: impact of a seminar-based classroom innovation on student perceptions of engineering", International Journal of Engineering Education, 33, pp. 519-526
- Virginia Aragon-Sanabria, Steven E *Pohler, Vikram J Eswar, Matthew *Bierowski, Esther W Gomez and Cheng Dong, 2017, "VE-Cadherin Disassembly and Cell Contractility in the Endothelium are Necessary for Barrier Disruption Induced by Tumor Cells", Scientific Reports, 7, pp. 45835
- Joseph W *O'Connor, Krunal *Mistry, Dayne *Detweiler, Clayton *Wang and Esther W Gomez, 2016, "Cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion promote alpha smooth muscle actin expression during TGFß1-induced epithelial-myofibroblast transition via Notch and MRTF-A signaling", Scientific Reports, 6, pp. 26226
- Sandeep M *Nalluri, Joseph W *O'Connor and Esther W Gomez, 2015, "Cytoskeletal signaling in TGFb-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition", Cytoskeleton, 72, (11), pp. 557-569
- Joseph W *O'Connor, Patrick N *Riley, Sandeep M *Nalluri, Parth K *Ashar and Esther W Gomez, 2015, "Matrix rigidity regulates TGF-beta-induced epithelial-myofibroblast transition by controlling cytoskeletal organization and MRTF-A localization", Journal of Cellular Physiology, 230, pp. 1829-1839
- Thinh P Le, Zhengrong Shang, Lizhu Wang, Nanwen Li, Sameer Vajjala Kesava, Joseph W *O'Connor, Ying Chang, Chulsung Bae, Chenhui Zhu, Alexander Hexemer, Esther W Gomez, Alberto Salleo, Michael A Hickner and Enrique Daniel Gomez, 2015, "Miscibility and acid strength govern contact doping of organic photovoltaics with strong polyelectrolytes", Macromolecules, 48, pp. 5162-5171
- Eric Weidert, Steven E *Pohler, Esther W Gomez and Cheng Dong, 2014, "Actinomyosin contraction, phosphorylation of VE-cadherin, and actin remodeling enable melanoma-induced endothelial cell-cell junction disassembly", PLoS One, 9, pp. e108902
- Joseph W *O'Connor and Esther W Gomez, 2014, "Biomechanics of TGFbeta-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition: implications for fibrosis and cancer", Clinical and Translational Medicine, 3, (23)
- Joseph W *O'Connor and Esther W Gomez, 2013, "Cell adhesion and shape regulate TGF-beta1-induced epithelial-myofibroblast transition via MRTF-A signaling.", PLoS One, 8, (12), pp. e83188
- Esther W Gomez, Qike K Chen, Nikolce Gjorevski and Celeste M Nelson, 2010, "Tissue geometry patterns epithelial-mesenchymal transition via intercellular mechanotransduction", Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 110, pp. 44-51
- Esther W Gomez, Nathan G Clack, Hung-Jen Wu and Jay T Groves, 2009, "Like-charge interactions between colloidal particles are asymmetric with respect to sign", Soft Matter, 5, pp. 1931-1936
- Esther M Winter and Jay T Groves, 2006, "Surface binding affinity measurements from order transitions of lipid membrane-coated colloidal particles", Analytical Chemistry, 78, pp. 174-180
Conference Proceedings
- Shawna Dory, Luis Delgado, Stephanie Cutler, Sarah E Zappe, Esther W Gomez and Stephanie B Velegol, 2023, "Examining Gender Inclusivity through Sense of Belonging in a Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program at a Large, Research University", American Society for Engineering Education
- Joseph C Tise, Sarah E Zappe, Esther W Gomez, Manish Kumar, Rachel MV Croninger and Stephanie Cutler, 2019, "Work-in-Progress: An exploration of students' conceptualization of research after participating in an undergraduate research experience", American Society for Engineering Education
- Joseph C Tise, Kirsten S Hochstedt, Sarah E Zappe, Esther W Gomez and Manish Kumar, 2018, "Lessons Learned from a Chemical Engineering REU: The Importance of Training Graduate Students who are Supervising REU Students", American Society for Engineering Education
- D Jake Follmer, Sarah E Zappe, Manish Kumar and Esther W Gomez, 2016, "Examining student outcomes from a research experiences for undergraduates (REU) program: Year two results", American Society for Engineering Education
- D Jake Follmer, Sarah E Zappe, Esther W Gomez and Manish Kumar, 2015, "Preliminary evaluation of a research experience for undergraduates (REU) program: A methodology for examining student outcomes", American Society for Engineering Education
- Sarah E Zappe, Melissa D Marshall, Enrique Daniel Gomez, Esther W Gomez and Angela Lueking, 2012, "Using student ambassadors to relay themes from Changing the Conversation in Engineering First-Year Seminars", American Society for Engineering Education