Surface Science and Materials Characterization Lab
The Surface Science and Materials Characterization (SSMC) Lab investigates fundamental molecular mechanisms of chemical and mechanical processes occurring at solid/gas, solid/liquid, and solid/solid interfaces as well as structure-property relationships of biomaterials produced by plants and animals. To answer challenging questions in these systems, the SSMC lab develops and employs cutting-edge spectroscopic and mechanical characterization techniques.
Current research focuses in the lab include:
- Molecular tribology and lubrication at nano- and micro-scales
- Mechanochemistry (chemical reactions induced by mechanical forces)
- Surface chemistry and mechanics of multicomponent glasses
- Nano/meso/micro-scale structures of cellulose in plant cell walls and biomass
- Piezoelectric materials based on nano-cellulose
- Non-linear optical spectroscopy and imaging of crystalline biopolymers
Contact Information
- Primary Investigator:
Dr. Seong Kim
814-863-4809 - Seong Kim Group Website